My Top 5 Tips for Jet Lag


Jet lag is the price we pay for traveling at high speeds.

The technical term for it is a “circadian rhythm sleep disorder”, which just means your internal clock is messed up because you hopped time zones faster than Phileas Fogg could inflate his balloon.

Jet lag seems to affect different people to different degrees. And I find it easier to adjust when flying east to west than going west to east.

The result?

You’ll probably experience insomnia, irritability, headache, dehydration and dizziness as your body struggles to adjust to your new time zone. A changed bathroom schedule might result in constipation or diarrhea. And you might even find it difficult to concentrate — which sucks if you’re on a business trip.

So what can you do about it?

I get this question a lot.

I don’t buy all that stuff about switching to your new timezone a couple days before your trip. That never works, because we’re all busy people and real life gets in the way.

Besides, are you really a fragile little flower who needs to be babied and coddled?

Suck it up there, peaches!

We’re talking about living an exciting lifestyle. Not necessarily an easy lifestyle.

So here’s how I adjust when I’ve gotta parachute into a new country a few time zones away and hit the ground running.

5. Don’t Go to Sleep

You’ll want to crash out and take a nap when you arrive at your destination. Especially if you just came off an overnight flight where you didn’t sleep.


Fight it and stay awake. Get up and do some exercise. Do a little deep breathing. Drink a couple shots of espresso. Whatever you need to do to get past that feeling of crashing and falling asleep.

Try to at least stay awake until you reach a normal bedtime at your destination. And plan for a couple extra hours of sleep that first night or two. If you normally sleep 8 hours, allow yourself 10. You’ll need to catch up for the night you missed on the plane. And you’ll probably find yourself waking up too early for a few days, whether you want to or not.

4. Use Those Extra Hours

If you find yourself waking up too early — you’re wide awake at the first glimpse of dawn, when you’d normally sleep ‘til the crack of noon — then don’t fight it. You’ll only lie there getting pissed off, and you’ll feel worse when you finally do roll outta bed.

Get up instead. Do some exercise. Write. Finish up some work. Grab a book and go out for a walk. Find a cafe and just linger there, reading and observing until the time of your “planned day” arrives.

Accept those extra hours as a gift, and use them just for yourself.

And when night comes and you find yourself getting groggy, don’t give in. Push your bedtime back a little further, and go to sleep at your normal time. It’ll help you adjust faster.

3. Get Some Sun

Ever notice how easy it is to adjust your sleep schedule when you’re camping?

At home I stay up until 2am, and I absolutely hate getting up before 9 or 9:30. But when I’m on a desert expedition, I wake when the first rays of dawn hit my tent. And I go to sleep easily and quickly not long after dark.

Sunlight helps your body adjust. This brightness helps your body clear melatonin — more on that below — which begins your natural “wake up” cycle. So pull open those curtains first thing in the morning, and let sunlight flood your room. You’ll start feeling alert within a few minutes.

Get some sun at your new destination too, if possible. Get outside and allow nature to reset your internal clock. Don’t fall victim to the tyranny of the fluorescent light.

And if you’re in the UK or Ottawa in winter, ask yourself, “What the heck am I doing in this dark and dismal place?” and hop another plane immediately!

2. Plug Your Ears

Pack earplugs — and possibly an eye mask — and try to sleep in a pitch dark room.

I know it’s not always possible to find a quiet room with dark curtains. So I tuck these two items into my kit to make sure that when I do sleep, nothing disturbs my dreams.

Forgot the eye mask? No problem.

I sleep with a towel or a rolled up t-shirt over my eyes. Sure, I’ve been laughed at by everyone I’ve ever shared a hotel room with at a seminar or on a business trip. And I’ve only ever met one other person who uses this method. But it works.

I’ve even mastered the art of rolling over and tucking it snugly under my head without waking up. And that’s something to be proud of.

You can also put a rolled up towel in front of your hotel room door to block that annoying hallway light. And don’t forget to cover up the digital clock, or unplug it completely. Those things are nearly bright enough to read by.

Blocking out all light and sound will help you drop into the deepest, soundest levels of sleep. You’ll wake more refreshed, and you’ll get your sleep cycle back on track much faster.

…and finally, my number one tip…

1. Melatonin

Melatonin is produced naturally by the body. It’s one of the hormones that helps regulate your sleep and wake cycles.

Melatonin levels normally begin to rise in the evening, which helps you fall asleep. They remain high for most of the night. And then taper off in the early morning hours as cortisol levels begin to rise, prompting you to wake up.

But let lag messes with this cycle, and it takes your body several days to catch up.

Taking melatonin in supplement form can help speed this adjustment.

I take 0.5 – 1.0mg right before bed. It helps me fall asleep quickly and easily. And it seems to speed up my readjustment to a new time zone. And I never wake groggy or sluggish the next day, like you do with over the counter sleeping pills.

Remember: more is not better when it comes to melatonin. So take the smallest effective dose.

I’m told that melatonin doesn’t work for everyone. But it works for me, and it’s definitely worth a try.

It’s best to stop taking melatonin after a few days, once your sleep cycles have adjusted. You don’t want to mess with your body’s natural release of this hormone.


So there you have it. My Top 5 Tips for Jet Lag.

Give these a try the next time you find yourself hopping time zones and struggling to catch some zzzzzzzzzzzz’s.

Have you got a favourite jet lag tip? Please share it with me in the comments below. If I try it and like it, I might just revise this article to include it.


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About the author

Ryan Murdock

Author of A Sunny Place for Shady People and Vagabond Dreams: Road Wisdom from Central America. Host of Personal Landscapes podcast. Editor-at-Large (Europe) for Canada's Outpost magazine. Writer at The Shift. Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society.

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